The Hope Valley Farms Homeowners Association (HVF HOA) is an organization of the property owners in these neighborhoods: Chownings Place, Eagle Ridge, Greenbriar, Heatherwood, Oakbrook, and Windsor Oaks. Other neighborhoods to the north of those listed are in a different association, the "Hope Valley Farms North Homeowners Association".

To contact the HVF HOA, phone our agent, Morgan's Property Management LLC, at (919) 479-5762, or send email to Mark Drogos []
The HVF HOA Board meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Christ The King Moravian Church, 4405 Hope Valley Road. The meeting begins at 7:00PM, preceded by a Homeowners Open Forum which starts at 6:45PM, when homeowners may ask questions or present concerns.
©2007-2017 HVF HOA