Hope Valley Farms (HVF) is located on the Southwest side of Durham, North Carolina, USA, and lies on both sides of South Roxboro Road between Hope Valley Road (Highway 751) and Martin Luther King, Jr., Parkway.
The Hope Valley Farms Homeowners Association (HVF HOA) is an organization of the property owners in these neighborhoods:
Chownings Place,
Eagle Ridge,
Oakbrook, and
Windsor Oaks.
Other neighborhoods to the north of those listed are in a different association, the "Hope Valley Farms North Homeowners Association".
To contact the HVF HOA, phone our agent, Morgan's Property Management LLC, at (919) 479-5762, or send email to
Mark Drogos [mark@mpmnc.com]
The HVF HOA Board meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Christ The King Moravian Church, 4405 Hope Valley Road. The meeting begins at 7:00PM, preceded by a Homeowners Open Forum which starts at 6:45PM, when homeowners may ask questions or present concerns.
©2007-2017 HVF HOA